Das coolste Geschäft in London, Brompton Road, Knightsbridge
Divertmenti heisst übersetzt aus dem Italienischen „Spass, Vergnügen“.
Der Name steht für das wohl beste und tollste Küchen- und Tischutensilien-Geschäft sowie für eine interessante und unkomplizierte Cookery School! So begann es:
Im Fenster des Shops stand ein baby-rosafarbener AGA-Herd, in einer nicht der üblichen Größen. Neugierig, wie ich bin, betrat ich das Geschäft und auf die Frage nach diesem AGA-Herd, begleitete mich eine nette Verkäuferin in das UG, wo es eine grössere Auswahl an Herden gab. Ich staunte nicht schlecht, als ich dort eine große, professionell ausgestattete Küche sah. Ich fragte gleich: “Do you give cooking classes here? When will be the next one one?“
The shop assistant answered: “Tonight!”
“And what is it about?”
“Knives skills, how to prepare a chicken, vegetables etc.”
“How much does it cost?”
“GBP 125,–”
“I am on, here is my CC!”
And what a wonderful evening that was! We were a group of five international ladies. The teacher was Martha Money.
I learnt a lot and still practice sharpening my knives and some tricks how to cut vegetables… but, I still unable to manage to prepare that damn bird properly… and where the hell is the wishing bone? One lady explained to me that she puts the “wishing bone” on her window sill for her wishes to become true! On top of that we enjoyed an excellent dinner with all the food which we had prepared and also excellent wine was offered!
My second class, I visited was “An evening in the kitchen with Claude Bosi”. Claude Bosi, French, had just left his 3-star-Michelin restaurant “Hibiscus” and was preparing for a new challenge, as he felt he had too much stress with the demands of 3-Michelin stars!
So he cooked for us an excellent 5-course dinner. The dessert was a chocolate cake with an eatable “Andy Warhol” – Sticker ”Wow!”.
My husband came with me on that occasion and believe me he was sitting on the edge of his chair in order not to miss out anything the Chef was preparing and was very curious and asked constantly questions.
As to Claude Bosi: Once successful, always successful! Shortly after that evening he opened his new Restaurant, the “Bibendum” in the Michelin-House at Sloane Street, …and already has again 2-Michelin stars!
Bibendum in short: BIB is the name of the promotion figure of the French tire producer Michelin. It also means “drink “ or in German language “trinkend”.
Next time we will definitely go and have a treat.
One journalist wrote how excellent and stunning the visit to the restaurant is, but also he mentioned to check whether you have just made a lucrative business, or made an inheritance of your aunt…..
Divertimenti – besides the Cookery School, the shop has so many things and gadgets for your kitchen and table to offer, you could never dream of!
My last trophy was a large spoon made of metal and covered with Teflon, so nothing really sticks on it and they are sold in all lovely colors, like apple green, yellow, red and blue. I bought five of those!
So on your next trip to London go there and have a look. If you are not able to resist the large variety of the wonderful kitchen stuff… Divertimenti will be happy to ship it to your home address, no matter where it is!